Tranilast ophthalmic solution 0.5% for conjunctivitis
What is Tranilast 0.5% ophthalmic solution for conjunctivitis?
Tranilast, derived from anthranilic acids, functions as an analogue to a tryptophan metabolite. Its mechanism involves the suppression of the release of chemical mediators like leukotriene and histamine from mast cells. Tranilast in ophthalmic solutions delivers an antiallergic effect that effectively addresses conjunctivitis, as supported by numerous studies. This medication is considered safe, well-tolerated, and lacks any notable contraindications or adverse reactions.
Active principles: tranilast
Amount: 10 bottles * 5 ml
Maker: Sawai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan
Indications: conjunctivitis
How to use
Apply 1-2 drops into the affected eye at a time, 4 times a day (morning, noon, evening and before bedtime). Avoid touching any part of your eye the tip of the container. If the medicine accidentally gets on your eyelid, wipe it off immediately.
If you need to use other eye drops concomitantly, wait more than 5 minutes between the applying.
Contraindications: do not use for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not use for patients wearing contact lenses.
Important information
Store this medicine in a shading bag, away from the direct sunlight and heat.
If an allergic reaction occurs, patient needs to stop using the medicine and consult with their doctor. If patient is taking any other medication or treatment, they should consult with their doctor in advance.