What is Aminovital Multi Energy Jelly drink?
Aminovital Multi Energy Jelly drink was designed for athletes to support their daily nutrition. For people taking high level of physical activity it might be surprisingly difficult to find a healthy between-meal snack. A fruit is a great option, but so easy to be damaged in the bag and often requiring time to eat. Nuts are very high in calories, meat and fish may not last during the day under the room temperature. Aminovital Multi Energy Jelly drink can be easily taken in just a few seconds, it's stored at the room temperature and quite durable for transportation. Just put one pouch in your bag, and you'll be able to get a very healthy energy source between meals. One portion contains 160 calories and 0 fats.
Aminovital Multi Energy Jelly drink supports your body with 1500 mg of amino-acids, alanine and asparagine, that are used for building proteins in our body. Alanine also helps the body to break sugars into energy, and asparagine helps to eliminate the residual ammonia from the body. Aminovital Multi Energy Jelly drink provides the body with vitamins C and B1 that are easily destroyed during the intensive exercising, so you need more than usual. Vitamin D and calcium help to support the healthy metabolism.
Active principles:
- alanine,
- asparagine,
- calcium lactate,
- vitamins B1, B2, C, D
Amount: 6 packs of 180 g
Maker: Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Tokyo. Japan
How to take
Take 1 pouch a day between meals, best 30 minutes before training.
Important information
If an allergic reaction occurs, patients needs to stop taking the medicine and consult with their doctor. If patient is taking any other medication or treatment, they should consult with their doctor in advance.